The Versatile Blogger Award

8 01 2012

Well – what a to-do!!

I was doing my usual daily perusal of who’d dropped by. Checking there was no unexpected coats left on the coat-rack, no unanswered comments in the inbox, that sort of thing. And then I came across a most unexpected thing! A presentation of The Versatile Blogger award from Sarah Alice from over on The Adventures of an English Student. A double take, a drop of the chin, a check of the address label… yup, it’s really for me!

But this cannot be so, I’ve only been at this gig a month or so… surely my new found fellowship of friendly bloggers (can you say “alliteration”?) can’t be honouring me thus! At least not yet. I hesitated, politely declined, feeling unworthy. I mulled, prevaricated and generally waffled all day. A close friend often reminds me, either directly or indirectly, that I’m piss poor at accepting compliments graciously. I decided ultimately therefore to do the decent thing, accept Sarah Alice’s gracious gift, and pass it on as per the expected etiquette.

So here’s the rather lurid green device, which it seems (looking at previous awardees) I am to display somehow on my blog. I may have to break the habit of a lifetime and actually RTFM to figure that out. If it’s at the side when you read this, I guess I succeeded!

The Rules: 

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass this award along to 15 or 20.

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.


Doesn’t sound so onerous after all. I’m sure I can do this. Let’s go to the races…

Thank the award giver and link back to them:

Done, I think! Thanks again Sarah Alice – I’m glad you liked a little of what you found on these pages.


Seven Things About Me:

1. Hm, let’s see… well, I’m plainly uncomfortable with compliments, for a start!

2. I was educated as a science/engineer leaning individual, and have only in adulthood come more to terms with my artistic side, such as it is.

3. I like being odd, unexpected and unpredictable. Many call it “bloody awkward”.

4. I get bored easily. Sometimes dangerously so. I try to channel it into creative things, but sometimes I jump just to see where/if I’ll land.

5. As middle age beckons, I discover I am struggling to define myself other than in terms of relationships to other people (a father, a husband, a manager, …). Where did I go?!

6. I enjoy experiencing new things. Food, places, challenging music. I was annoyed to miss out on eating dog inKorea. Guinea Pig beckons if I ever get toPeru.

7. I like a good argument. Especially in support of an underdog. Even if I think they’re wrong. It’s a point of principle.


The Blogs I’d Like to Nominate:

Ah, now this was the bone of contention when Sarah Alice was good enough to first suggest I take the award. I really didn’t think I had 15 blogs I could nominate. But, when I came to look at the WordPress “blogs I follow” list, there were many more!!

So here we go. They’re in no particular order. I’d certainly like to thank everyone who has had a look around my blog, and I know some have left no breadcrumbs to provide the evidence. I hope you, dear reader, will take some time to look at the blogs below, and submit your comments and thoughts to their writers. They’ll appreciate it, I’m sure.

  1. Record | Preserve | Share
  2. Redamancy Lit
  3. orangespicedrop
  4. howtodateboys
  5. Thirty Years Of Growing Pain(s)
  6. thepollyannafragments
  7. Travel Photography by Dmitrii Lezine
  8. Klara’s Street
  9. Ad Pitch Blog
  10. We Heart Vintage
  11. Just Sayin’
  12. These CRAZY shakes!!!
  14. Deidra Alexander’s Blog
  15. Acid Free Pulp
  16. ArtStormer
  17. samferðafólk
  18.  The Art and Illustrations of Laura Davies
  19. Misfits’ Miscellany
  20. caterpillarwithonewing

Thanks again to Sarah Alice at The Adventures of an English Student for the kind award, and to you dear reader for getting to the end of the posting!!



14 responses

8 01 2012
misfits' miscellany

Thanks for voting me in. If anyone deserves an award for versatility, it’s you. And it’s a good thing you like being odd.

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

You’re very welcome. Share the lurve and all that. I’ve greatly enjoyed your writing, so nominating you was no hardship. (Oh – and it was free.)

8 01 2012

Congrats on the well deserved award ( I already said that in another comment on one of your post, which only proves, that it’s completely sincere and not just because you in turn nominated me 😉 )!

I like the part of defining yourself in the absence of realtionships to other people. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Let me know how that goes!

Thanks for reminding everybody of how versatile I am! People do have such fleeting memories 😉

Off to prepare my acceptance speech

🙂 K.

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

Thanks for the kind words, and I look forward to reading your 7 insights…

8 01 2012
Laura Davies

Well thank you too. This may take me some time to figure out how to do the same for my turn. But then again I guess that doesn’t matter! But I’m glad you appreciate my blog, I appreciate yours too. And yes you’re right, there are other things you can do in the bath, other than read, but then if you’ve got the spare time, a book in the bath is lovely too, if you’re short on the other things for a while. But it did make me chuckle this morning when I checked my e-mails.

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

A chuckle can go a long way – glad to have provided one. 😀
I think your deep self awareness will make your list of 7 a lot quicker to put together than mine was.

8 01 2012

Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m honored, and would be thrilled to accept, but I’m not sure I know of 15 bloggers to nominate. Is there a list of criteria, beyond the obvious?

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

Same problem I had… until I looked at the “Blogs I follow” list so helpfully provided by WordPress. I had more than 25!!
I think the criteria are loose, and I interpreted them as “blogs I would point a friend at”.
It’s just a bit of fun. No blog-police out there to check up on you. (Not yet anyway…)

8 01 2012

How about 9?

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

I lovely round number, Beatles tune and many other things… go for it! 😉

8 01 2012

That’s funny — I can’t say the word 9 without chanting Number 9. . .Number 9. . .Number 9. . .

Oh, and love the French condom commercial btw. Husband and I had a good laugh.

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

Well I’m glad it brought a little laughter to chez vous!
A French tickler, you might say… 😉

8 01 2012

Well done, and welcome to the warmth of this Friendly Fellowship, as you so aptly name it! Cheers!

8 01 2012
Quieter Elephant

Thanks for the thoughts. It was a good reminder to “give back” and add some new material as well as just pointing readers of a like mind at things I’ve found elsewhere.

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