Yay Ruby Wax

19 02 2015

Big fan of Ruby Wax. She was involved in a lot of UK comedy when I still lived there. Born in Illinois, she’s now a naturalised Brit. She began her acting career in Sheffield of all places and has had a long-standing writing/directing partnership with Alan (Snape) Rickman. She was also closely involved in the brilliant Ab Fab series.

Anyway, she’s had some tough struggles with depression along the way, and tackled it quite pragmatically… by learning how the brain fundamentally works, then changing it. Her willingness to offer her face in advertising for a mental health charity “outed” her to the public, so she took the situation and owned it.

A charity put her face on a poster and told all of London her secret. How would you have handled it?.

Her sarcasm in the video belies how long she’s lived in the UK. 🙂




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